A psychic is no different from a hairdresser, doctor, or therapist. If you hire someone to work with you, you want to get along with them and feel comfortable. While psychics are sensitive by nature, they’re still people with their own quirks, communication styles, and interests. Thus, if you want to find the right psychic, you should look for someone who communicates in a way that’s comfortable for you.

Some psychic networks actually list their psychic’s conversational and advice style so you can choose someone who speaks the way you like to be spoken. Not everyone appreciates a straight shooter, and not everyone wants a soft touch, either.

Another way to find the right fit is to read the reviews. Sure, most people write a generic, very happy review, but what you’re looking for are disappointed reviews. The nature of the work is such that not everyone will be happy. However, what you’re looking for is the reason why they’re unhappy. Are they angry because the psychic refused to answer a certain type of question, or they wouldn’t tell the client what they wanted to hear? This is a sign of an honest psychic. Perhaps they didn’t like the psychic’s approach. You, however, might like it.

There’s also nothing wrong with being a naysayer. Psychic work is very personal, and it’s entirely possible that a psychic is still talented and adept even if you just don’t click with them.